
The Government of Canada has asked telecoms providers to lower their prices and has taken steps to promote competition. For instance, in June 2017, the Government provided direction to the telecoms regulator that could potentially open [up competition by] opening the door to [alternative] companies using innovative solutions to provide Canadians with more affordable wireless service.

The traditional Telecoms are facing competitions. Transformative project is needed. Therefore, a group of executives at Penguin Tele (Mock) initiated a service transformation project to better their services.


Penguin Tele (Mock)

Business Requirement:

To stay competitive and top-of-mind through providing excellent User and Service experiences to customers.

Project Timeframe:



Limited. Require some Quick-Wins and be iterative through learning.


Condensed Case Study

Every project requires Project Sponsors and Skateholders. So, we need to begin by identify and inviting Skateholders to outline their involvement, role in the project, ownership, influence level, and dependency. Then, prioritize based on project needs.

stakeholder mapping and analysis (Mock)

So, who are the customers?

Penguin Tele persona

Mary — the money saver — who recently saw an ad from Penguin Tele on its new trade-in promotion and hoping to get a better deal for the same services she is currently having with her provider.

John — the loyal tech savvy but not — who had been with Penguin Tele for a long time but recently had been increasingly feeling frustrated about its billing and confused about all the web log-in and apps that one has to check to understand the bills.

What journeys do customers go through?

Customer’s Onboarding Journey:
When customers see the marketing ads about switching and phone trade-in promotion → becoming a customer → experiencing the phone service → interested to upgrade the package with TV and or Internet services as well → getting an installation service → re-connect with customer service for complaints or fill in satisfaction survey

Customer’s add-on Journey:
Checking bills as an existing customer → add or join a new additional service to their account → log in to their web account or app to check or use services → contact customer service

Audit and consolidate the service issues:

Penguin Tele service aduit chart Service Audit touchpoint by touchpoint, interaction by interaction

Both Journeys' Current State:

Penguin Tele Customer Onboarding Journey illustration.jpg
Penguin Tele Customer Add-on Journey illustration.jpg

Both Journeys' Ideal State:

Penguin Tele Ideal State Customer Onboarding Journey illustration Service Blueprint. Result: A carefree and well-informed journey.

Penguin Tele Ideal State Customer Add-on Journey illustration Service Blueprint. Result: A seamless online experience with offline support.

The first Prototype:

Quick-Win solution for learning — provide customer service script to the technicians for the basic manner and guide for parking and customer safety as the Minimum Viable Service:

Penguin Tele mock service script
Penguin Tele mock safety guide

Estimated result (after iterations):

Sufficient services will bring Penguin Tele customer loyalty and high customer performance score.

* Full case study includes detail skateholder mapping, telecom industry-wide service problems, detail service audit and multi-tracking solutions that create business values.



  • Stakeholder Management

  • Multi-Journey Service Audit

  • Designing with Service Blueprints

  • Minimum Viable Service

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